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Website Updated 8th February 2025

If this is your first visit to our website, we hope the following information is of interest to you. Sigma Rifle and Pistol Club was founded over sixty years ago by the present and existing Secretary and Treasurer.

Membership: We currently have vacancies especially if you already hold a FAC? If you are interested in joining us visit our 'Contact Us' section of this website. For non FAC holders interested in joining unfortunately there are huge delays of fifteen months or more regarding the Grant of a new FAC. The delays are caused by the various county Firearms Licensing departments throughout the UK who are scrutinising all applications in much more detail than ever before! If you are still interested in joining us? please declare an interest via our 'Contact Us' Link. At the very least we will add you to our Waiting List and if necessary assist you in perhaps finding another club to join, although it seems most other clubs also operate a waiting list and have the same problem with new members wanting a FAC.

Sigma Range

Sigma Rifle and Pistol Club Range

Membership Fees are usually collected by way of two 6-monthly payments; January 1st and 1st July. There is an option to pay fees by monthly Bank Standing Order. Fees are calculated by sharing the costs of running and maintaining the club amongst its members; Club Fees include:- Associate Membership of the National Rifle Association and the UKPSA, including Insurance; the use of the Club Range and all its facilities 6½ days/week, including targetry, with some advance notice - the use of club rifles and equipment, heating and hot beverages. There are no "green fees", additional weekly/monthly or per visit payments.

To keep Club Fees as low as possible it is a condition of membership to volunteer to help out with on-going and periodic essential range maintenance when required.

Furthermore, Full Members can nominate an immediate member of their family for 'membership' at no additional cost. This would only apply where the immediate family member does not intend to have their own personal firearms certificate.

The Home Office requires applicants applying for membership who do not already have a firearm certificate, to complete a minimum 3 month Probationary Membership period. Full Membership will be based on the safe handling and use of firearms and regular, at least monthly, attendance to the club. When Full Membership has been granted there is a one-off Joining Fee of £50.

The Club Range is open 364 days of the year. As the range is mostly used on Saturday's and Wednesday's, Probationary Members will be required to attend the club mainly on a Saturday until they have been granted Full Membership. This will allow Committee Members to ensure that adequate supervision and essential Safety Training is provided and they will be able to 'monitor' the progress and safety abilities of prospective new members.