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Website Updated 8th February 2025 ~ All Scores / March MoD booking. /Firearms Fees Increase
Club Competition Scores: All general scores are up to date to 30/01/25 and Practical scores to 08/02/25 on this website.
Next MoD Booking: Barton Road March 8th 2025. If you are 'interested' in this booking please contact Simon straight away? (12?)
Firearms Licensing Fee Increase: Important Reading!
Lead Ban Update (NRA):
NRA Range Rules 2024:The 'Bisley Bible' has just been published by the NRA. Volume 1-3 relates mostly to Safety. The Bible can be downloaded here:
Other recent Rules and Guidance here: Note particularly Sighting Rifles!
New Firearms Act 2023:
BASC Overview: October 3rd -
Club Members Representing England and Great Britain: Five Club Members were recently selected to shoot for England, Steve Lane has been appointed Captain for the entire England Team. Another Member Mike S. has been representing Great Britain for several years. These are highly prestigious occasions both for them and Sigma R&PC.
NRA Publications 2024 Bisley Bible 2024: A bulky document - if nothing else read volume one and two RANGE SAFETY. Gallery Rifle and Pistol Competitions 2024:
Police Guidance for Firearms November 2022: Here
Club Insurance 2025: The Club Insurance is provided as part of the recent NRA re-affiliation which re-commences
from January 1st. Note: Previous limited Personal Accident 'cover' is no longer an additional option by the NRA's Insurance providers. Please see the Members Only page for further information. Re-affiliation to the UKPSA
now includes non-optional insurance 'cover'. Again, there is no cover provided for Club
Members for Personal Accident/Personal Injuries. Members have been directed towards who may be able to provide insurance cover for your personal needs.
On-site Farm Butchers: Whilst visiting our Club Range why not include a visit, by prior arrangement, to the Butchers Facility adjoining the Range where there is fresh meat from farm reared cattle and poultry?
Ballistics Calculator. This useful calculator can be found at Enter the ballistic co-efficient of your bullet, bullet weight, muzzle velocity and the distance you have zeroed at and then press the 'Solve' button. You can then print off range cards, plot the bullets path or the bullets energy loss over distance. A good resource for bullet ballistic co-efficient can be found at
Potential Safety Issue 5,56mm -v- .223" What's The Difference..? NRA Shooting Illustrated 2018
As Secretary one of my responsibilities is keeping Club Members abreast of all safety issues. I make no apologies for raising this issue yet again, at least one fellow member who has always shared my concern regarding the 'use and compatibility!' of 5,56/.223 ammunition has drawn my attention to an article published in the latest 'NRA Shooting Illustrated 2018' most of the relevant pages can be viewed below. Most shooters using a combination of these calibres experience stuck cases, difficult case extraction, blown primers or a combination of all three should read this article. In most cases, after their firearms have been inspected, where necessary, often the problem has been resolved by a fairly simple reaming/re-chambering of the rifle....
Read the 2018 NRA Shooting Illustrated article here: 5.56 Nato vs .223 Remington -
What's the difference? Hard Copy available on the Club Notice Board or on request.
Previously published information and advice endorsing this subject can be read in the Bisley Bible, published annually by the NRA, see below and SAAMI.