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Updated 29th December 2024. 
Click this  hyperlink to view the Fixture List 2025

Please Note: The Fixture List will show specific activities taking place. Most dates have been provided to accommodate needs of the NRA/Competition Members. If no specific date is shown nothing special has been organised.

From July 2023 all civilian use of Barton Road and Thetford Ranges on weekdays has been restricted due to high priority Military Training purposes. There continues to be restricted weekend only use for Barton Road Range. (two weekends/month)

Reminder - A Range Officer, clearly identifiable, is required where live firing takes place when there are more than two persons at the range.

This list has been compiled to provide as much information as possible regarding Club Fixtures to 30th June 2025. Considering that Saturdays are predominantly the Clubs main shoot days at the Club Range, Fixture List dates show special events only, i.e. Competitions and MoD range bookings. The Club Range will be operational at least every Saturday, most Wednesday's and some Sunday mornings. Members wishing to shoot at the Club Range on other weekdays should make contact with other Members via the ‘Members Directory’ to ensure that, for safety reasons, there will be at least two persons present, one must be a Full Member and the other over sixteen years of age.

Please Note 1: Anyone wishing to use the Club Range on a weekday, except on a Wednesday and or Public/Bank Holidays, ie on Mondays/Tuesdays and Thursday/Fridays must notify Andrew G. (farm) by email, copied to the secretary, at least by mid-day (Noon) the day before you intend to use the Club Range. Please Note:- the first Red Gate alongside the main road, can be left open Wednesdays and weekends all other times kept closed not locked. The last to leave the range - both gates locked shut.

Please Note 2: Use of MoD Ranges. Bookings are subject to sufficient demand from Members, R.C.O.'s and range availability. There is decreasing interest in MoD bookings especially with the temporary restrictions on range availability for the Barton Road Range. If there is insufficient support for the booking, the fixture will be cancelled. In addition, the MoD may cancel a booking at very short notice. You are advised to telephone the Secretary the day before attending to confirm the booking is still on. If you have confirmed your attendance to either an MoD or Bisley booking and have to drop out, you may be liable for your 'contribution' to range fees calculated on the day. Extra costs will also apply where Ranges have been equipped with SARTS targetry. We now incur full costs for the Range Operatives (formally Range Wardens) for the duration of the booking (Approximately £325/day. Civilian use of tracer ammunition is no longer permitted on MoD ranges.

Sigma Range - only firearms and ammunition compliant with the 'Firearms Used' notice displayed (Cabin) can be used; Shotguns are not to be used on the Sigma Range; except for testing purposes only and in the presence of a Committee Member.

Club Range Safety Certificate for all firearms to be used: - There are restrictions on *Muzzle Energy (Me) up to 1,496 ft/lbs and *Muzzle Velocity (Mv) up to 2,150 ft/sec. If you Hand Load Ammunition you will have already signed a declaration that all ammunition that you have reloaded is *'fully compliant' with the Range on which it is discharged. If 'Hand Loaded' ammunition is used you must be able to produce, as requested, the reload specification for each calibre/round

Please Note 3: All users of MoD ranges, including Bisley - must be in possession of a valid 'Shooter Certificate Card' for specific types of firearms used and must be produced as and when required - no certificate - no shoot...! The MoD impose a maximum Muzzle Energy restriction of 4,500 Joules on most MoD Ranges and a minimum age limit for any attendees of 16 years of age.

SAFETY BRIEFING - Click on the Link below to open the Audio/Visual Presentation. When you have completed the Training Session send an email to the Secretary confirming that you have Read and Understood the Briefing. You are likely to be questioned again on your next visit to the Club Range regarding some of the more important elements of the Briefing
Safety Briefing 2020